πŸ“–Custom Wordlist

Html2dic - Build dictionary from html

You can build a dictionary from a html-page.

curl http://example.com > example.txt

Then run:

html2dic example.txt

Then you should probably remove duplicates.

Cewl - Spider and build dictionary

cewl -w createWordlist.txt https://www.example.com

Add minimum password length:

cewl -w createWordlist.txt -m 6 https://www.example.com

Improve the custom wordlist As we all know few password are just simple words. Many use numbers and special characters. To improve our password list we can use john the ripper. We can input our own rules, or we can just use the standard john-the-ripper rules

john ---wordlist=wordlist.txt --rules --stdout > wordlist-modified.txt

Refer Forest-HTB

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