πŸ“‹Web Application Checklist

  • Fuzz first with feroxbuster

feroxbuster -u http://whatever.com/ -x php -C 404 -A --wordlist '/usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-big.txt' -B --auto-tune
  • robots.txt , .svn, .DS_STORE

  • Try different request type(POST & GET) in burp

  • Try to analyse website with html2markdown:

curl -s | html2markdown
  • Use cewl for custom wordlists and --lowercase for lowercase letters.

  • If apache try shellshock (cgi-bin) might be in windows too

nmap -sV -p8081 --script http-shellshock --script-args uri=/cgi-bin/user.sh,cmd=echo\;/bin/ls


To find git repo use linpeas or winpeas and to check use ls -la or ls -fo to look for .git file in the repo.

  • If git repo found as a directory:

  • To check the commit log

git log
  • Then check the commit diff:

git show 967fa71c359fffcbeb7e2b72b27a321612e3ad11

Use git-extractor

Common Attacks


First check plugins

wpscan --url --enumerate p --plugins-detection aggressive 

Run normally too otherwise might miss plugins

wpscan --url

Directory Busting

For overall content search: Ferozbuster with β€”thorough and smart Dirsearch - brings in different stuff. Check robots.txt and sitemap.xml Also try txt and pdf files

  • -f can cause a ton of false positives

  • -n stops recursive directory lookups

  • -b searches for backups; can produce false positives

feroxbuster -u http://host.domain.tld:80/ -f -n -C 404 -A -e -S 0 --auto-tune --burp-replay
feroxbuster -u http://host.domain.tld:80/ -f -n -C 404 -A -e -S 0 --auto-tune --burp-replay --dont-scan Css Js css img js IMG JS Img CSS fonts Fonts master
feroxbuster -u http://host.domain.tld:80/ -x asp,aspx,html,php,xml,json,txt,log -C 404 -A -e -S 0 --auto-tune --burp-replay
feroxbuster -u http://host.domain.tld:80/ -C 404 -A -e -S 0 --wordlist '/usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-big.txt' -B --auto-tune --burp-replay


gobuster dir -u ${url} -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -t 5


-L - to follow redirects -d - To add json data -i - To

Last updated